Source: North Manchester Journal, December 7, 1893 Ad:

The best place for Warm Meals and Lunch, Choice Cigars, Confectionery, Cigars, Fruits, Baltimore Oysters, Etc.
Home-made Butter Scotch. Hoarhound Candy. Chocaolate Caramels.
Chase and Sanborn's celebrated Java coffee served.

Source: North Manchester Journal, December 28, 1893, Notice:


By Special Arrangement W.H. Webber is able to sell you nice, fresh Baltimore OYSTERS at 20 cts. per quart in any amount. These goods are first-class stock, not watered to suit the occasion, but are bought at a price to enable me to sell them at this price. Call and get some of these fine Oysters and be convinced as to quality. You will find this place headquarters for Fancy Fruits, Home-made Candy, and finest Lunch in the city. Also best Meal for the price. Remember the place, 206 Main St. [today 128 E. Main St.]