Source: The Manchester Republican, February 19, 1874

W.T. CUTSHALL, after selling the printing office in August 1872, obtained the agency for the sale of the Simmons & Clough organs for Wabash and five adjoining counties; and by untiring industry and a liberal use of printers' ink, he has developed a trade unequaled by any other agent in the states. Mr. C. has been very sick for the past two months, but is now happily out of danger and rapidly recovering, and will be looking after business again by the first of March. We understand that Simmons & Clough intend giving him a higher seat in the spring.

Source: The Manchester Republican, April 10, 1873, Ad:

We have a supply of Organ and Piano Stools for sale very cheap. We will furnish any of the following articles at the lowest cash price: Pitch Pipes and Forks, Organ and Piano Stools, Organ and Piano Covers, Violins, Accordions, Harps, Flutes and Fifes, Instructors, Sheet Music, Strings of all kinds, Rosin, Violin Pegs &c.
Address: W.T. Cutshall, North Manchester, Ind.

 Source: The Manchester Republican, June 26, 1873

W.T. Cutshall sold a splendid Simmons & Clough Organ to Mr. Jacob Swihart, last Monday.
W.T. Cutshall is in the city of Detroit, selecting organs and other musical instruments. Look out for a big show!

Source: The Manchester Republican, December 4, 1873

W.T. Cutshall says he is "hard up," and intimates that the man who sticks his nose in everybody's business, may have told the truth when he "blowed around" that the "Musical Emporium" would be closed up in a few days. But until then, he will sell organs very low for cash or on approved paper. Another car-load just received.

Source: The Manchester Republican, April 30, 1874, Ads:

Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Harps and 1,000 other Musical instruments at the Musical Emporium. Music Books of every kind, Sheet Music, and blank Music paper, at the Musical Emporium. $5,000 worth of Musical goods, at the Musical Emporium. Second hand violins very cheap at the Musical Emporium.

Source: The Manchester Republican, August 20, 1874


We desire to call the attention of our friends, patrons and the public at large, to the fact that we have now in store the largest stock of goods ever known to be in the Post Office Building.

Our stock of school and miscellaneous Books will be found fully up to the demand of consumers, and although Jobbers in this line of Trade at a recent convention in Put-in-Bay have passed resolutions whereby the retailer will be required to pay them a much larger per cent. for goods in this line, we shall not advance our former price, but endeavor to purchase our Books at such rates that we may be able to sell them for less money than ever.

Our stock of Wall Paper and Window Shades is large, and in many goods in this line we can note quite a reduction in price on many styles. Rollers and Fixtures for Window Shades of the latest patterns, a large stock. Please call and see samples and learn prices.

Our stock of Stationery, Blank Books, Blanks of all kinds, Envelopes, Pencils, Crayons, Slates, Pens, Inks, and Notions generally, is unusually large, and we can offer extraordinary inducements to customers in this line.

Tobaccos and Segars of the best quality always on hand.

A large stock of Pocket Cutlery in store, which we will close out at cost.

Our stock of Musical Merchandise is larger than ever, and we will NEVER be undersold by any responsible parties.

We have the agency for the Whitney, Haines, Wing & Son and other first-class Pianos, and will warrant a saving of money to all who purchase of us.

In the Organ line we have the Simmons & Clough, Geo. Woods, Silver Tongue, and the Smith American, either of which we will sell for ten dollars less than any other living man in the Retail trade. Call on us and be convinced that we mean business.

Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Fifes, Piccolos, Claronets, Accordeons, Strings of all kinds, Violin Cases, Triangles, Bones, Pegs, Bridges and Tail pieces for violins, String gauges, Tuning Forks and Pitch Pipes, harps, all styles and prices. Musical Toys, Violin Bows, from 50 cents to $20 and a thousand and one other articles, to all of which we invite a discriminating public to call and examine and learn prices.

The finest stock of Albums and Initial Note Paper ever brought to this city. Drop in ladies and see us--and the Albums.

We have just a little the largest and nicest stock of Stick and Fancy Candy in North Manchester. If you doubt it just drop in and see for yourself.

Music Books, Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Blank Music &c. &c., a large stock always in store.

A liberal discount to Teachers, Ministers, and Sabbath Schools.

Inquiries by mail cheerfully answered.

Pianos, Organs, and other Musical Instruments Repaired and Tuned on very Reasonable Terms.

Address all orders to: W.T. CUTSHALL, North Manchester, Ind.