Source: The Manchester Republican, September 7, 1872

D.Y. Bunker and Lady have moved their Millinery establishment into the first room East of J.W. Williams, Drug Store.

Source: The Manchester Republican, February 12, 1874

D.Y. BUNKER is at the head of a millinery and fancy goods store comparing well in every respect with the best establishments of like character in our large cities. This house was established about two years ago, and was really the pioneer in the millinery trade in the place. The appointments of the enterprise are first class in every respect. The stock embraces everything in the line of fine millinery goods, ladies furnishing and fancy goods and notions of all kinds. Mrs. B. who superintends the establishment is possessed of long experience, and understands the business thoroughly in every respect. The enterprise is a model one and we cheerfully commend the establishment to the ladies of North Manchester and vicinity.

Source: The Manchester Republican, March 26, 1874

--New Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons and notions at Bunkers cheaper than ever.

Source: North Manchester Journal, October 21, 1880, Ad:

No lady can afford to buy anything in millinery or fancy goods before looking at the largest and cheapest line in town at Bunker's.
Ladies and childrens' merine underwear cheap, at Bunker's.
Plain and brocaded velvets at Bunker's, for dress trimming, nice and cheap. Call and see them.